duminică, 11 iulie 2010

Undeva, intr-un colt de lume...

... si ca-n orice colt de lume, in vreme ce nobilimea se rasfata cu licori fine si miresmele meselor cu oaspeti ce ramaneau peste noapte in zecile de dormitoare ale vilelor de vacanta, cei ce traiau de azi pe maine aveau si ei bucuriile lor. S-au nascut saraci, au fost crescuti saraci, unii nici macar in vis nu au indraznit sa se vada alt fel. Si-au gasit insa umorul care sa le coloreze vietile si care sa-i ajute sa-si tina capul sus.

In acelasi spirit toscan, pentru o atmosfera de duminica mai calda, va ofer o melodie traditionala in interpretarea Caterinei Bueno. Auditie placuta!

Duminica insorita!

2 comentarii:

Lisergic Synaesthesiae spunea...

good series!
I really like the 4th shot. Have such gorgeous lines!

Roxana spunea...

Welcome and thank you very much!It's a great honor for me and I really cannot find the right words to express my gratitude for your kindness. Unfortunately, these are not my photos, but I was glad to find them and I was inspired by the "story" of these images.

I want to tell you, also, that I like your professional photos. Great Art!!! Congratulations!